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By: Avis6th Feb 2022 7:50PMI remember Gray & Sons Ltd, with the wonderful verandahs, imposing entrance doors, high wooden counters and shelving. As a child I went shopping there with my mother. As a very young child I was overwhelmed by the size and grandeur of the shop and the mysterious departments within it. The staff were people that I still remember though I don't recall their names. I recall being taken out to the hairdressing part when my mother made an appointment or spoke to someone there and I recoiled at the smell of the chemicals used. I realised as a grew up that these were associated with the process of perming hair. My mother bought lovely clothes for me at Grays when I was a young child and as I grew older. There was always a wonderful range of truly beautiful and unique clothes available for purchase at Grays. Milton Show Day was an occasion when I was often qble to wear a brand new dress bought from Grays, although my mother sewed many of my clothes. I remember Bob Burleigh and Ailsa Anderson as mentioned in Colin's recollections. I also remember grocery deliveries to the farm I lived on, and as my mum had a lot of hens, I suspect eggs were collected for sale at the same time. So lovely to listen to Colin's story. Grays will always be remembered by me in the way that it was when I was a child, even though I have been in to the modern store many times since.
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Colin and Jennifer Smith Recording One